
Thursday 1 November 2012

Wind Energy

parliamentary information office

To suggest the battle against wind farms is won is pure hubris. Your rant has been heard before. Indeed, all the wrongs you level at wind power are, to some degree at least, true. However, the list of failings at the end could easily be matched by the failings of a fossil fuel power system. Worse, fossil fuels will run out, unlike wind power. And of course, the big elephant in the room is global warming. Have you 'conveniently' forgotten that? So while you witter on about property values and the Tories in the shires, you have forgotten that to mitigate AGW, sacrifices have to be made and some very inconvenient things need to be done. I do agree the pain should be shared and not fall on individuals. By the way, having even 100% backup for renewables is only the plant, not the fuel. For as long as the turbines are running, the coal does not need to burn, so who's being deceitful now?

parliamentary information office

For all the puff about how dumb Dave is, the truth is he is a clever chap. He must know that wind farms are just supported by subsidy, so why did the threat of taking the industry out of Britain cause him to blink?

It's the same as trying to fill a swimming pool by taking a bucket, filling it at one end, running around, sloshing some over the side and pouring it in at the other.

That's how subisdy works. Surely Dave understands that? Even accounting for the peripheral benefits it is still taking tax from one part of the economy and giving it back to another.  

parliamentary information office

There are several of the monsters being currently erected near where I live. We too have, over a period of years, been told of the massive numbers of jobs these things would create.

The turbines are being imported from Germany and are being unloaded at a local harbour. Today I spotted one of the lorries which were going to be used to transport them from the harbour to the place where they are to be erected.

Having previously seen another large Wind Collection Factory created in the area I am aware that it is only during the erection period that there were any local jobs, and they wre not created, they only involved work for a local transport firm delivering the various parts to the site.

What I saw today made it obvious that on this occasion not even that would happen. The first thing I noticed was that the driver was driving from the left hand side which made me take more notice. When I looked at the front of the lorry I saw that writing was in German, or something very similar as I only had a fleeting glimpse whilst driving past. One thing is certain, it definitely wasn't English or any of the other languages of these islands.

One thing has become very obvious, the Eco Warriors will lie, lie and lie again in their mania for forcing these horrors on us at whatever the cost to both the economy or the despoiling of the British countryside, especially those sought out by tourists who treasure it's beauty.

parliamentary information office

when the specialist study on the
health effects of low frequency noise is produced by the Royal Institute
of Acoustics... are likely to strike a blow from which the wind industry can
never recover...'

All the scientific bodies with 'Royal' in the title that I know, have previous form in producing extremely dodgy non-science and very biased reports. I can't help feel that having Prince Charles 'the Letter Writer' as the Royal connection to those various Royal societies has something to do with their deeply eco-fascist bias.
Somehow I can't see the 'Royal' Institute of Acoustics producing any report that isn't Agenda 21 approved and full of glowing praise for the acoustic benefits that wind turbines produce.

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