
Saturday 3 November 2012

Views on Marriage

parliamentary information office: What we have now is a left leaning parliament and we have had a left leaning parliament for decades. One of their main aims was to destroy marriage and the family. Doing this makes society weaker and easier to manipulate, and they are nearly there, only now Cameron wants to revive it, but only for homosexuals and lesbians. Politicians are afraid of the strength and strong bonds of the family unit.
Though, this is all part of the plan, a plan to sap the strength of Britain, to make us a weak and malleable nation, so they can sell us out to their vile political ideologies.

parliamentary information office: Why would you want to promote marriage amongst poor people (which a state handout would do)? All that would happen is they would breed a load of poor children who would need housing, clothing and feeding at the state's (thats our) expense, etc.

OK, is that controversial enough?

parliamentary information office: The scars of divorce - very true. We could help marriage by reforming family law, bringing into line with the law in many other developed Western countries. What you owned before the marriage should remain yours alone, not be split: out with the concept of matrimonial property, only what you build together after the marriage should be split. You should also be able to make legally-binding pre-nup contracts. And custody should be shared by default.

parliamentary information office:
All very good, but the reality is the state hates marriage. It hates - actively - families to the point of doing everything to destroy them.

The family, the married couple do not need the state. This terrifies the  state engine: all those hundreds of thousands of well adjusted, intelligent, active children? What use would they have for endless social workers, police officers, intervention officers, bureaucrats, welfare people....

No, the state will never change it's views on the family. It would be easy for it to do so but it chooses not to for it's own benefit.

Parliament Yearbook - parliamentary information office

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