
Sunday, 27 January 2013

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: Radioactive Waste

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: Perhaps the government should do what they do with windmills - bribe communities to take them. Who but a rabid greenie would turn down a cash income for life?

This is quite mad the fact that people are even talking about creating a radioactive waste dump in the Lake district shows that there are some really mad mad people in the UK and they need help !

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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: Information of Tax Paid Fields

Online Parliamentary Yearbook:

a) foreign aid?
b) benefits to individuals and their families who have not contributed through paying taxes?
c) providing free medical care for health tourists?
d) benefits of all kinds payed to workers in the black economy?
e) sheds with beds Landlords avoiding taxes national and council?
Why are we allowing foreign companies trading in the UK to get away with gross manipulation of their tax bills?

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Parliamentary Yearbook

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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Online Parliamentary Yearbook

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: Today the impact of Asian entrepreneurs can be seen everywhere in the UK economy and across a wide range of businesses. The community is among some of the country's largest employers and wealth creators. I am pleased to be a contributor to a report in the Parliamentary Yearbook stressing the importance of Asian business in our route out of recession.

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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Parliamentary Yearbook

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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Pay Rise

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: It seems that the world and his dog repeatedly make derogatory comments about MPs, but how many commenters here have actually bothered to put their money where their mouth is, and stood for parliament, or even their local council?

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: In opinion our MPs are paid far too much for what they actually achieve.  If they feel so strongly about their level of pay they should resign thier seat at the next general ellection.  This will, hopefully, free up the candidate selection list of "career" politicians, allowing those who have our countries interest at heart a chance to serve ("serve" being the operative word)

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Saturday, 12 January 2013

Tax and Pensions

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: Which form do I need to complete in order to opt out of this, I mean the whole National Insurance scam?
I will make my own arrangements for old age, insure myself against unemployment, injury or poor health.
I do not wish to have to fund the abysmal state enforced version that bleeds from my contributions in order to support the scum of the earth, foreign and domestic.
I do not wish to contribute into the corrupt state pension scheme, I know very well that the chances of a man of my age receiving anything of value from this 'investment' is zero.

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: Is going to be suffer now and enjoy in future. is it not ok? save for your future now that's what it means.then that strenght is gone then age is not on your side but with this your future is secured.good thinking good product.

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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

About Welfare Benefits Uprating Bill

Online Parliamentary Yearbook: We need a root and branch review of ALL benefits with a view to providing any that survive on the basis of NEED.  And need should be defined as meeting basic requirements of life -  not luxuries.

That review should include Public Servant Platinum Pensions - no one in retirement NEEDS a pension that is more than the average national wage. 

The maximum any high earner should be paid in retirement is the average national wage, currently £26k.  Over a retirement of 30 years that would be a total of £780k - no where near close to what has been paid in.

Anyone who thinks they may DESIRE more can make provision for it through a private pension.

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Saturday, 5 January 2013

Discussion on Wind Farm

Online Parliamentary Yearbook 2012:  REMEMBER! Wind farms, unlike oil are not finite and not a global commodity. Many corporates do not this product as it affects futures in their market by capping the value of fossil fuels against the cost of wind power. This in turn ruins the projection for the corporations expected growth in profits in the long term. Many very wealthy and very powerful people have large stakes in the fossil fuel giant corporations, and needless to say, their opinions carry a lot of clout, influencing politicians locally and on the world stage.

I would say we should embrace a product that albeit may have certain drawbacks, but is inherently one less chain of dependence on global corporations. An asset that in these times where the balance of wealth is shifting away from the west.

Online Parliamentary Yearbook 2012 Shared Discussion:  From my own perspective I've never mentioned anything on these or another other forums about global warming.

My own philosophy is very simple. We know or I believe that most of us accept, that we, as humans, are causing major ecological damage to the planet, whether we talk of forests, rain forests, lakes, rivers, oceans, air quality, extractive industries etc etc.

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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Grave Economic Uncertainty

Online Parliamentary Yearbook 2012: a. Cutting government spending. (and not investment)
b. Breaking up Banks

The future is bleak and the worlds politicians are making bad situation worse.

Online Parliamentary Yearbook 2012: Because people of the World are finally waking up to the dodgy dealing & corruption that is happening by the World Leaders and the Banking Sector.

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